Bihar gds result 2019 kab aayega and cut off

Bihar gds result 2019 kab aayega and cut off

बिहार पोस्ट ऑफिस जीडीएस का रिजल्ट कब आएगा? हिंदी में देखिए

दोस्तों हाल ही में बिहार पोस्ट ऑफिस जीडीएस का वैकेंसी निकला था. 1063 पदों के लिए एडवर्टाइजमेंट निकला था. इस पोस्ट के लिए बहुत सारे लोगों ने आवेदन किया था. जीडीएस पोस्ट के लिए कोई लिखित परीक्षा नहीं होगा. चयन होगा सिर्फ 10th क्लास की मार्कशीट के ऊपर. इसी को ध्यान में रखते हुए बहुत सारे कैंडिडेट्स ने आवेदन किया था. पहले बिहार जीडीएस एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म भरने की लास्ट डेट थी 11 सितंबर. उसके बाद अंतिम तारीख को 22 सितंबर तक बढ़ाया गया था. लेकिन अब बात यह है कि एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म भरने की अंतिम तिथि खत्म होने का बहुत दिन हो गया है पर अभी तक रिजल्ट नहीं आ रहा है. हम आशावादी हैं कि बिहार जीडीएस रिजल्ट बहुत जल्दी आ जाएगा. हम आप लोगों को बताना चाहते हैं कि रिजल्ट जब आ जाएगा उसके बाद हम हमारे वेबसाइट पर उसका लिंक अपलोड कर देंगे और आप बहुत ही आसानी से बिहार पोस्टल जीडीएस का रिजल्ट देख पाएंगे. आपको अगर कुछ जानना है तो हमें कमेंट करके बताइए.

Bihar Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2020 Expected Cut Off Marks Qualifying Score Chance Calculation Selection List Download GDS

Recruitment AuthorityBihar Postal Circle under APPost / India Post
Post nameGramin Dak Sevak
Vacancy1063 Posts
Year 2019Extended to 16 September 2019
Selection ProcessMerit list based on 10th Score
Job LocationBihar
Posts will be reserved for SC ST OBC Category candidates also. Selection will be based on purely merit list. No written test or online test will be conducted for the purpose of Gramin Dak Sevak Recruitment. Preferences must be filled up by candidates on the specific posts mentioned in the advertisement against each category.
Merit list will contain the cut off marks for that preference / location. Selection list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying exam. In this case the qualifying exam is 10th Pass. Marks from higher degree will not be counted. To know about the expected result publishing date and downloading link of the merit list, continue reading below.

Bihar GDS Cut Off Marks 2019-2020

CategoryExpected Cut Off Marks
There will be separate cut off score for each category of the candidates. The cut off marks will also be dependent upon the location or the preference. Merit List for the mentioned exam has not been published yet. We have given the link of the Bihar Postal Circle GDS recruitment portal on which it will be published.

Bihar Gramin Dak Sevak Chance Calculation

We all know that the 10th Class mark is the main important thing which decides the chance of passing or getting selected. If you are selected for a particular preference or place (location), your name will be listed in the shortlisted of the Bihar GDS Merit List published by the official website of AP Post GDS Online website or Bihar Postal Circle. The chance of passing is also dependent on the category of the candidate and also on the location. The candidate who will have the highest percentage of marks in his or her 10th class among the candidates applied for the same location, will be eligible for the Gramin Dak Sevak post in 2019 Bihar Postal Circle.
  • Download link of the exam Merit List – Click here. (to be updated soon).

When Bihar GDS 2019 Result will be Published

All the candidates who have filled up their application form are now waiting for when the Bihar Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2019 will be published. It may be assumed that the Bihar Postal Circle dept may prepare the merit list or shortlist within 2 or 3 months after the last date of submission of application. Results are pending for various states which have earlier notified for the GDS Post advertisement. So it may take some time as the postal department will publish the result gradually. We will be in touch with the official website and will inform you when the result will be published.
Information regarding Bihar GDS Result 2019 will be updated right in this page. So candidates are requested to keep visiting us. Link of the PDF file and the cut off marks will be uploaded by appost official website after they have prepared in the merit list or selection list. For more information regarding Bihar GDS Result, Gramin Dak Sevak Merit List, Selection List, Cut Off Marks 2019 2019 for Postal circle, visit our homepage –
Post & Salary Scale of GDS:
Serial NoCategoryMinimum TRCA for 4 Hours/Level 1 in TRCA SlabMinimum TRCA for 5 hours/Level 2 in TRCA slab
2ABPM/Dak SevakRs.10,000/-Rs.12,000/-

Bihar GDS Chance Calculation

Candidates may comment below about their marks and category and which preference they have applied for, so that other candidates will have some idea about the cut off marks.
The Candidates are now guessing Bihar postal circle Gramin Dak Sevak chance calculation and cut off marks. They need to wait a little bit more to know the exact cut off marks and chance of them in getting place in shortlist or merit list.
Luck of may candidates are depending on the shortlist. Postal Careers are one of the targets among candidates who want to get involved in central govt jobs. However, if you are not qualified for the Bihar GDS post, do not stop. Try for other govt jobs. You can also take a look about latest Govt Jobs in 2019 for promising vacancies this years for various Central and State govts in India.

